
  • Lego empty tomb for Easter

    Easter Lego Empty Tomb Build


    This Lego build is a wonderful way to share the story of Christ’s resurrection with children in a way that will capture their interest. These printable instructions include a list of the needed Lego bricks and instructions for building the empty tomb. Print in color or black and white.

  • Sale! manatee Lego build challenge

    Swim with Manatees Lego Build Challenge

    Original price was: $4.99.Current price is: $1.99.

    This Swim with Manatees-themed LEGO challenge is great for LEGO lovers from kids to adults! It not only encourages students to learn more about the history, geography, and science of manatees and the Crystal River, Florida, area where they can be found, but it also encourages critical thinking and creativity. (And it’s just plain fun!)

  • Fall LEGO Challenge Printable


    Use this printable Fall LEGO Challenge to inspire your kids to build new, autumnal objects with their LEGO blocks! LEGO challenges are a great way to encourage critical and creative thinking skills. This also makes a really fun family activity for autumn!

  • Valentine's Day Lego Challenge

    Valentine’s Day Lego Challenge


    This Valentine’s Day themed LEGO Challenge is the perfect creative and critical thinking activity for LEGO lovers of all ages!