Terms of Use
Due to the nature of downloadable products, we do not offer refunds once your purchase has been made. By downloading a free printable, you will be added to our email list. You may unsubscribe at any time.
Rules For Printables:
Many of our printables are free of charge, and we love to share them. But, please do remember that these printables, and the traffic they bring to our website are what keeps us in business. Please go ahead and share the links to our website if you love what we have done. We love when our readers share!
However, please be careful with how you share them. All of our printables are for personal use only. You cannot claim these printables as your own or sell them as your own. All the printables and pictures on this website are property of Only Passionate Curiosity Homeschool.
What You Can Do With Them:
- Download the files to your computers, save them forever, loose them along with the millions of other files stashed on your hard drive and print them off for personal use and in a group or class setting.
- Direct people back to this website to claim their own printables.
- Pin, Tweet and share the direct link to the product pages on social media.
- Give credit proper back to us (Only Passionate Curiosity) when blogging about, or sharing info about our printables on your personal webpage or social media.
What You Can Not Do:
- Link directly to the pdf file/download
- Email the PDF to your friends (send them the link to the product page please!)
- Alter our files in any way
- Store them on your website or other services in any format (This includes hosting them on facebook, dropbox and other file sharing or hosting sites.)
- Seek to use these to drive traffic to your site or sell them in any way.
- Print off and sell them to others.
Please be honest, We’re counting on you to help us keep our free printables free!
Thanks again for reading, and for respecting our Terms Of Use. We hope you love the goodies you grabbed from us today!
To Other Bloggers:
We love when other bloggers link back to us. If you would like to use a photo with a link back to this blog for any reason, please contact us and we can discuss which image would be appropriate for you to share.
If you do share our content or blog about your experience with our printables, we would love to check out your work. Please leave us a comment so we can stop by and visit!
Email us with any questions at [email protected]