Nativity Word Wall and Picture Memory Verses
Today I put together a nativity themed word wall, with guided line writing cards as well. I print two copies, one to laminate with the word and guided lines together for my younger kiddo to use for copy work, and a second which I cut apart. The second copy has the words put up on the wall, and my older son uses the guidelines to write the words in cursive. Since they are laminated, we just use a dry erase marker and reuse the same cards all season (and year after year). The laminator we use is down to 19.99 this weekend, which is a steal if you need one!
I also put together a printable picture memory verse of the christmas story to hang on the wall. We’ll use it to memorize the christmas story. This version is of Luke 2: 7-12 (I decided that shorter was better for my crew) and is the King James Version of the story.
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