Origami doesn’t have to be complicated! These patterns can help you incorporate origami into your homeschool. And our Easy Origami for Kids article (on our Only Passionate Curiosity website) shares information about the benefits of doing origami with your kids.
This printable pack includes read, write, and count the room activities and logging pages for regular homeschool or classroom use as well as for special needs learners. These activities are fun and (best of all!) easy to use! And they’ll get your kids interested and actively involved in learning.
Use these 20 Printable Tangram Challenge Cards to help your child think creatively about geometry! You can use these printable cards in several ways and with a variety of ages.
This printable pack contains 20 pages of super hero themed writing and recognition practice for little learners who are mastering numbers 1-20! This printable is ideal for Pre-K – Kindergarten.
This printable game is great for young children who need something quiet to do for a little while. It can be used to work on observation skills, one-to-one ratio, counting, and just for fun!
This super heroes number pack was created for children who are learning to write and identify numbers 1-20. There are tracing pages for children to practice writing each number as well as a place for children to identify each number from a group of numbers.
Use this printable page for STEM activities related to measuring and comparing temperatures of items or surfaces in different areas. Use the suggestions in this article, 5 Easy STEM Activities to Do at the Beach, or come up with your own! (Click on the title of the article to go to the article for more information.)
Most of us want to encourage our children to save money, but sometimes kids need some motivation and a visual way to see progress. This tracker will help!
These worksheets have a Valentine’s Day theme, and they’re a great way to practice numbers 1-20! They will give your child practice writing numbers 1-20, and they’ll also give your child an opportunity to learn in a hands-on way by drawing hearts in a “jar.”
Preschool – Kindergarten. Have your young students practice their first numbers with Dab-a-dot markers and these worksheets! Clear and simple graphics are good for visual learners and gives preschoolers lots of tactile practice.