Internet Linked

  • Great Barrier Reef (Learn & Lapbook)


    This printable is part lap book, part unit study. Every element is internet linked to websites where your child can do more research, and find the information they need to complete the lap-booking element. You can put this in a traditional folder, or do as my family does, and just glue the elements on sheets of cardstock and store in a binder as an interactive notebook.

    This study covers:

    The location and facts about the Great Barrier Reef
    Fish that live in the coral reef
    Types of coral
    Shell Fish Facts
    Starfish, Seahorse, Eels and Stingrays

    All websites were appropriate for children as of the date of posting. Please review links before sending your child to the website.

  • Landforms Interactive Notebook


    Lapbook / Interactive Notebooking elements to teach about Landforms.